Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Move Over, Martha!

Well, pinterest is all the rage these days.  I can hardly even have a conversation with my girlfriends without pinterest coming up in some context.  And when some of my friends admit that they aren't even on pinterest, I'm appalled.  I mean, how do you decide what you're having for dinner if you don't use pinterest?!?

So to jump on board with everyone else, I'm joining the blogosphere in hopes of contributing my own versions of fantastic crafts, recipes, parties, children's activities, and anything else that I'm inspired to recreate.

And on the topic of creativity...I definitely don't consider myself the creative type.  I mean, I love to craft, and I love to make, I just want someone else to come up with the idea first! Which is exactly what makes pinterest so stinkin' spectacular.  I consider myself more of an...executioner. Not like the firing squad kind, but like the give-me-an-idea-and-I'll-carry-it-out kind of person {but I'm pretty sure that title wouldn't fit on a business card!}.
So with no further ado, I'll give you a sneak peak at what I'm currently working on.

Here was my pinspiration which originated on a little tipsy

I hope to have my own little shamrock shelf completed in the next couple of days.

As for pinterest, I'm sure in a few years, we'll laugh about pinterest like we do now with search engines like Alta Vista (do you even remember that one?) and social networking sites like MySpace (no offense if you're still jazzing up your page with backgrounds and widgets).  But for now, we'll just keep on pinning!